Things I Miss After Our Move to Mexico

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A Sweet Intro…

I just took these pics today of my baby boys. Tristan is eight months and Sawyer is three. Tristan can sit up by himself now and he is of course, practicing his balance on every opportunity. Sawyer is reading Tristan a book like a sweet big brother. The sweet part is really just a cover for “I will attack you when Mom isn’t looking.” Now on to my list of things I miss back home in Kentucky, USA after our move to Mexico. I think I am a little homesick.

  1. My handmade furniture crafted with love by my husband.
  2. My colorful wool rug we used in our living room.
  3. Our 60″ 1080p High Definition Samsung wall-mounted TV. Movies were awesome.
  4. My pretty colorful light I put up over my kitchen sink.
  5. My professional photos of our family and children that I had up all over our home.
  6. Sawyer sleeping in his bed, in his room. Since we moved he sleeps with his sisters.
  7. The blue sky and clouds I painted myself on our main bath ceiling.
  8. My 12 year old, fluffy kitty named Jinx. Loved that old girl.
  9. My beautiful, sweet Golden Retriever, Tia. A great family dog.
  10. Our central heat and air. It gets cold here at night. The house is chilly in the morning!
  11. My own washer and dryer.
  12. My family and friends. I love them so much and distance makes the heart grow fonder.
  13. Nice roads without speed bumps and pot-holes.
  14. Kohl’s and Dillard’s.
  15. Yard sales and Goodwill stores!

This morning Brad said he misses Chinese food. Thinking of the Chinese buffet across the street from our subdivision makes me hungry. Brad also misses his stuff. His tools, four-wheeler, pool table, and his big Ford F-350. And he misses hunting. For Brad it was more then the kill and the meat for our family. Hunting was a stress relief for him. He loved being in the woods.

We are human. We do miss some of our material possessions. But we won’t be like Lot’s wife in the Bible and look back with longing. Brad and I have always lived well. Never rich but never lacking. We always had nice things. One thing we learned after 15 years together was that there will always be something else to want and stuff does not bring happiness. It brings long work hours and stress and tears. So although we miss some material things we will not turn back. Our life here is so much more focused on what is truly important. Our family, our love, and putting God first in our life.
Hey maybe one of these days I can put up some more family portraits. After all, I am still a professional photography by trade. And if we are really fortunate, maybe we will find a good Chinese buffet in Morelia. Signing off, Tina :-)

6 thoughts on “Things I Miss After Our Move to Mexico

  1. Ricosuave says:

    But aren’t those sacrifices all worth it? There are many of us who could never do, what yall have done. Were very proud of all of yall! Keep preaching, you are doing Jehovahs will to the superlative! If yall get to stay there through the end of this system, it would be awesome! And we’ll have a huge reunion party after Armageddon! Love you, Rick and Sherri

  2. jaytee says:

    Thanks for your great example and we mourn with you that mourn, like Jephthah’s daughter, who spent time with her friends before going off to doing things she committed herself to. HHEEEYYY!!! Why don’t you guys open a CHINESE RESTAURANT!!!!! that would like BLOW THEIR MINDS! :-)

  3. HaleyB says:

    Just to let you know you are missed too! I love seeing your blogs and pictures. You were always more adventurous than me, but that gives you courage to do something awesome like this. As for the Chinese food Google recipes because Chinese food is actually rather easy to make.

  4. Swapna says:

    We moved from India to Chile and if I had to make a list of things that we miss…it’ll be really really difficult! And small! Lol! Maybe be cuz we just shifted :)

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